Click HERE to learn about coronavirus in English. Watch the video and do the quiz and the challenge to revise the contents.

Your English teacher hope you are safe and sound. Please stay at home. Remember that staying at home saves lives.
Please, leave your messages in the comments to tell us how you feel, what you think, how you are organising your quarantine. Leave your links to share anything you want: a song, a video, an image, an audio. Anything.
Don't forget to write down your name.

I'll give positive marks for participating!!!!


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Hi, I'm Irene (English teacher). Everybody is ok in my family, for the moment. We are trying to have some routine: have breakfast together, tidy, check my virtual classrooms and emails to see if there are messages, check and update the blogs, correct the writings my students are sending. Uff, hard work with so many students. But I'm happy to know everybody is safe and healthy. So please add your comments so I can see how my Forestry students are.
    In my free time my plan is to do some sport following youtubers, suft the internet to read newspapers, read and watch fiction :) and tidy my wardrobes :( Well, I must confess I haven't started with my wardrobes yet...
    Of course, at 20.00 I'll be clapping loudly to say thank you to all the people who have to continue working for us.
    To finish, I'll copy two idioms to say you are bored to death, jajaja:

    • Being at home these days is like WATCHING GRASS GROW

    • Being at home these days is like WATCHING PAINT DRY

    Keep safe, stay at home.


  3. Hello Irene, I'm fine although a little tired of being locked up at home and that has been two days, I am doing sports and watching many series, you don't send us much work please, a hug to all.

  4. Hi Irene, I'm fine but really bored because we can't leave the house but I spend time playing Xbox with some friends, studying and watching lots of series. The luck I have is that I can go outside to take my dog ​​out for five minutes. A hug for everyone.

  5. Hello Irene, I am Anais, in my family we are also fine, we talk almost daily by video calls.
    I am practically home alone all day, my boyfriend works long hours in the meat industry and I see him at dinner.
    Long days are coming, I get bored and I find it difficult to accept the situation in which we live.
    I also go out to clap at the window every night, then I have a lot of energy.
    Sometimes I feel like crying, it doesn't feel good to be alone that long, nor does it feel productive. And above all not being able to go out into the field.
    I hope they are well and above all that we can see each other soon.
    Kisses and hugs to all.
    Stay home for you, for your family, for all people.

  6. Hello Irene, I and my family are fine, thank God, I hope yours too, I call my grandparents every day since I am in town and I cannot go see them :( These are difficult times ... what is worse I take is not being able to go outside, to the field and see my grandparents ... in the morning I dedicate them to study and in the afternoons to the tasks that they send us. Do not send us many tasks hahaha, I hope to see you soon a hug!

  7. Hello Irene, in my family we are all well too. We have been in quarantine for a few days but I try not to think about it too much and organize myself well with class things and take a little free time to enjoy with my family, I think that this is valued more now. I'm glad you and your family are well too. A hug for everyone, see you soon.


  8. Hello, my family and I are fine, I hope yours too. At the moment I am in good quarantine because I have just returned from a trip and I have not yet had time to get bored, but it will come ...
    I am a little worried about my grandmother because she is somewhat older, so I call her every day to know that she is fine.
    I go for a walk with my dogs every day so I can at least go outside.

    I hope you are all well !! Stay home please.
    A hug for everyone.

  9. Alejandro Zabala García
    Hello Irene, I and my family are fine, thank God, I hope yours too, I call my grandparents every day since I am in town and I cannot go see them :( These are difficult times ... what is worse I take is not being able to go outside, to the field and see my grandparents ... in the morning I dedicate them to study and in the afternoons to the tasks that they send us. Do not send us many tasks hahaha, I hope to see you soon a hug!

  10. Well, in this time we have at home, I have decided to dust off my old piano. I still remember how to play it. I also read and watch movies with my family. I do all the things after studying, of course. I call my friends and we spend time talking on the videocall. I do my best to not get bored although sometimes it is inevitable.

    I hope all of you are doing well

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. Hello Irene, I am Roberto, here my family and I are well, as far as it goes, although the day is quite long, we try to liven it up as we can ... I go to the farm in the morning, since there are animals to take care of.
    I spend the morning on the farm and in the afternoon I go to town to do the tasks that you send us, once everything is up to date, I like to check my bikes and keep them up to date by the time this is all over, go out with friends to do sports.
    That is my day to day!
    Greetings, I hope everything goes well! bye !

  13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  14. Hello Irene, in my family everyone is fine. Every morning I get up and take the dog out, I do not take it out as long as I would like but it should be out just as the thing is, then in the afternoon I usually study and listen to some music, talk to friends etc. At night I see a series or movie and so I spend the days I hope this is resolved soon and we can return to our lives a greeting.

  15. Hello Irene.
    Everybody is ok in my family too.
    During quarantine, mu routine is:
    First, I usually get up at 9, then I have breakfast and shower. Next I do my homework, answer my emails and I usually do some sport in my home.
    In the evening , I go to my countriside to take care of my animal, then I have dinner with my family and we watch tv together.
    I stay at home!
    Greetings to all!

  16. Marcos Pañero Luna
    Hi, for now I'm fine, although a little boring from being locked up at home. With this situation there aren´t many things to do, when my family is at home we play some table games like Rummy or Trivial, when im alone at home I usually wacht TV or play some videogames, look for videos on Youtube or Twich jajaja. See you later.

  17. Hi Irene.

    Me and my family are fine and we are trying to stay at home as much as possible. Personally, i´m not very bored because i´m doing homework , watching series and doing some excercise.Also, sometimes y go to the country to riding on my horse.
    I hope all of you are ok too and finish the quarantine as soon as possible.

    Greetings to all.

  18. Hi, I'm Samuel Merchán Rodriguez.
    Good afternoon, fellas. To say about the harsh situation we are experiencing. The first thing is that I hope you're all okay and I'm sending you animosity to get you to run the quarantine better. I know we're all fighting for the same cause, so we're not going to get back to normal and we're going to be able to enjoy life.
    My day to day is boring, because I am without leaving home, like you. For this, I have nothing new to tell you.
    For nothing, send you many animosity, and soon we are in college learning English.
    A greeting to all.

  19. Hi Irene and colleagues,
    Here everything well, taking advantage of the time to advance work and to learn new topics that the daily frenzy does not allow for lack of time.
    Please Irene don’t send us many tasks, a greeting and to take care of everyone.

    Hi Irene, I'm glad that you and your family are doing well. In my family we are all fine at the moment. I am worried because my grandmother is in a residence and visits are not allowed. I miss her so much. In my town there is no one infected, I hope it continues like this.
    The days are long being at home. I try not to get bored but it is inevitable.
    In the morning, I listen to music while I help my parents clean at home and we watch TV until lunchtime.
    In the afternoons, I check my emails for any pending tasks, I talk to the rest of my family by video call and I read the second part of a book that I loved
    At night, we watch a movie or series on netflix. Last night I made a lemon cake for today`s breakfast.

    Hello Irene, in my family we are all well, the situation is critical and it is very scary but we will resist and we will pass this bad stage. We try to entertain ourselves as we can, doing housework, being in town we are lucky because we have a large patio and we can take the air outside the house but without going outside, I spend time browsing the internet, talking on Skype with friends and family and in the afternoon studying. Greetings and I hope you are all well.

  22. Hello Irene, in my family we are all well, I am a little bored by the situation, but I take the opportunity to catch up on the subjects and I am trying to learn to play the guitar now that I have more time, I also talk to my friends on Skype and I enjoy my sister's company. I hope you are all well, a hug.

  23. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  24. Hello Irene.

    Luckily my family and I are safe. We are taking advantage of quarantine to do house maintenance and do things together. We try to get out of the house as little as possible to avoid making the situation worse.
    Thanks for everything, I hope you are well.

  25. Hello Irene and colleagues. I am glad to know that you are well.
    I am fine and my family too, although my parents are people of risk, but every time I feel more peace because I know that all it's going to be fine.

    I like to have my toast for breakfast in the patio of the house. when it doesn't rain I spend a lot of time on it.
    Before I went to yoga classes, now I have all the equipment at home and I only did it for three days. I should practice more.
    Also I talk to my brothers every day, my sister lives next door, but I can't see her. And my brother works in Madrid distributing medical supplies, I miss you.

    Although it hurts I know this is an opportunity to grow like we never imagined doing, from the inside.

    Being strong of heart we will achieve it.

  26. Hello Irene, sorry the lateness of commentary.

    These days is very long and bored because before Coronavirus we wasn´t in my house all day.
    Next month, make the most of your time. i will study, i catch up and i wolud like to work out to stay fit and watching many series.
    it's a great opportunity to spend time with family although i miss my friends, the street and country.
    I hope everything goes well and this is over soon.


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