Do you know the reason why your name is your name? Is there a story behind it? Did your parents almost name you something else? Do you know where your name comes from? What does you name mean in that language? Please, add a comment and share all this information with your classmates.


  1. I was named Irene after my father's mum. My grandma got really happy, of course. I think I was lucky because I like this name. Thank God she wasn't called a weird name! My parents were very sure about it and didn't bear any other possibility in mind. Irene comes from Greek and means "peace".

  2. Hello! My name is Vanessa. My mother wanted to call me Patricia because the same day my sister was born, another girl was born and they called her Patricia. But my father said no, since the name sounded like a shoe (we don't know why). Then, my father heard the song of Manolo Escobar: my little flower (Vanessa), and that's where my name comes from.
    In conclusion I have to say that I like my name better than Patricia.
    A greeting

  3. hello i'm Jose Carlos Hernandez Perez
    Talking to my parents, they told me they gave me the name of jose carlos because it was the name they liked the most.
    I like the name they have given me and I am happy with my name.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. Hi. My name is Delia. My parents called me that because of my great-grandmother. She had 28 great-grandchildren but no girl was called Delia. She had the illusion that someone would put her name and went to me. I am very happy to call me that, and also proud.

  7. My name is Cristian, my name was given to me by my father, because he did not like the name that my mother wanted to call my , she wanted to call me Christofer. The name that my father decided I like much more than the one my mother wanted.

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. hi, my name is Manuel Amador, although at first my mother wonted to call me Juan Manuel but my father insisted on colling me manuel like him and Amador for my grandfather.

  10. Hi! My name is Angel and there are some facts that have made that nowadays I am called this way like for my father or because I am a boy. If I where a girl I would have been called Maria! I don't know exactly where does my name comes from, but I think that it has a biblical origin.
    Finally I just have to say that I am very proud of my name and I really like it, I wouldn't have prefered another one.

    Angel Alvarez Tejeda

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  12. Hello,

    First of all, in my point of view i want to thank this blog, because is a way to explain and lose the fear in this lenguage.

    In relation to the subject to be treated, my name is Carlos. My father always wanted to call Javier.

    Throughout the pregnancy the subject of my name was discussed.

    finally, they called me Carlos in order to not anger to my grandmother.

    A cordial greeting,

    Carlos Vegas.

  13. My name is Adrian, because after a long conversation my parents had, they ended up choosing this option. My mother wanted to put me Pablo, like my grandfather, and my father Hugo, because he was an idol of Hugo Sanchez, a famous soccer player.
    Finally, Adrian was the choice. The truth is that he likes my name more than the two previous options.
    Adrián Soleto Alvarado

  14. Hello, my name is Saúl, I am happy with my name and I like that it is a little casual and original name by my parents. At first they wanted to get in touch with Azazel, but after consulting with the priest, it is a demon name and change of mind.
    Saúl Torrescusa Bermejo

  15. Hi! My name is Rosalía, my parents chose that name because my sister and my brother older than me have names of my father’s family and my mother said that my name would be of her family, because my name is same my mother and my grandmother.

  16. Hello, my name is Coral. My grandmother chose my name and my parents agreed as it is a short and unusual name. Really, I think it was a good choice and I like my name.

  17. Hi! My name is Luz Belén. My parents chose my name because my mother liked Luz, because the virgin of my town is called a "Virgen de la Luz". As Luz was too short, my parents decided to put me also Belén because my father liked that name.
    Luz Belén Giraldo Chaves

  18. Luis Alonso Santano Monroy
    Hi! My father´s name is Luis Alonso and he wanted pass the name to his primogenic male son, that is me. My mother thought on call me José Fernando due my grandfather but you know who won.

  19. José Miguel Expósito

    Hello, my name is Jose Miguel.

    My parents decided to call me this name on my father's name is José Antonio and my baptism godfather called Miguel. My parents inmediately agreed to call me this name they liked me a lot.

    I am very happy with my name.

  20. Hello! My name is Luis Bernardo. My first name was given to me because my father was orphaned as a child and his mother's name was Luisa. My second name comes from my godfather named Bernardo, from an agreement made by my father and before the baptism, and that's where my name comes from.
    What agreement did you make ...
    A greeting.

  21. Hello, my name is José María. My parents called me that because of my grandfather José and my great-grandmother María. A cordial greeting

  22. Hello, my name is Pablo. My parents chose my name, Pablo, for my great-grandfather's and because my sister liked that name. I was lucky because it's a name I like. A greeting

  23. Hello my name is Miguel.
    I'm not sure where my name comes from.The only thing i konw is that my mother loves it!
    i don't have another family member called Miguel.
    Just me!

  24. I was named Ismael because my older brother wanted this name for me. The reason because my brother wanted me named Ismael, it is because his best friend is also called so. My brother was who more wanted that I come to World, and for this reason he was also who chose my name. Ismael comes from Hebrew origin and means "God that listen".


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