In the article "Agroforestry systems of high nature and cultural value in Europe: provision of commercial goods and other ecosystem services" (G. Moreno, S. Aviron, S. Berg, J. Crous-Duran, A. Franca, S. García de Jalón, T. Hartel, J. Mirck, A. Pantera, J. H. N. Palma, et al) it is stated that agroforestry systems can be important from a cultural and economic point of view. 

Read some parts of this article and leave your opinion in the comments. 

Cultural services

In some high nature and cultural value (HNCV) agroforestry systems, the primary objective is the maintenance of an aesthetic landscape of high cultural value and the associated traditional knowledge and potential for tourism and local recreation. The promotion of the HNCV agroforesty could maintain and preserve unique heritages of European culture (Molna ́r et al. 2016) and provide a focus for tourism and recreation.

Hunting is frequently more profitable than livestock breeding for some dehesa farms (Macaulay et al. 2013), and birdwatching is an important commercial activity in the dehesa territory.

There is clear evidence that HNVC agroforestry can improve regulating services such as reducing fire risk compared to forest systems, and can increase carbon storage, moderate the microclimate, and improve groundwater quality compared to conventional agriculture. However it is difficult for farm enterprises to capture these benefits in financial terms. One approach to integrate these benefits is ‘‘green accounting’’ that integrates both commercial and non-commercial goods and services in a consistent manner. Such analyses can help guide policy-makers and wider society to identify where public interventions such as subsidies, the tax system, and regulation can help ensure the high nature and cultural value of these agroforestry systems.


  1. Jose Carlos Hernandez Perez

    In this text we can see that it has a main objective that is the maintenance of the aesthetic landscape that has a high cultural value that enhances tourism and recreation of people.
    The agroforestry system would have to provide an approach for tourism and recreation.
    the observation of birds in the dehesa and hunting have a lot of emphasis.
    The agroforestry system can improve and could reduce the risk of fires, moderate the microclimate and improve the quality of groundwater.
    These benefits are not quantifiable, so an approach to integrate these benefits is ecological accounting that integrates commercial and non-commercial goods and services in a consistent manner.


  2. In this document it is observed that the main objective is to maintain a high cultural and aesthetic value in our landscapes, in order to enhance these places for tourism.
    It is explained that one of the means to achieve this is the agroforestry systems, and there may be a tourism in the dehesa for bird watching, hunting also brings great economic benefits.
    We can also see how agroforestry systems are beneficial to keep our forests from fires because there is a great improvement in these.


  3. In this document it is observed that the main objective is to maintain a high cultural and aesthetic value in our landscapes, in order to enhance these places for tourism.
    It is explained that one of the means to achieve this is the agroforestry systems, and there may be a tourism in the dehesa for bird watching, hunting also brings great economic benefits.
    We can also see how agroforestry systems are beneficial to keep our forests from fires because there is a great improvement in these.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. This text talks about the importance of an agroforestry system. This system seeks to obtain maximum benefit from the dehesa, combining production with the sustainability of it, thus allowing to control fires, maintain aesthetics and obtain products in a continuous manner.

  7. This document discusses the importance of agroforestry systems, trying to maintain an aesthetic landscape with a high cultural value. This can provide benefits to tourism, through the conservation of birds, and also recreation, with the practice of hunting.
    It has even been seen that such agro-forestry systems can reduce the risk of incendis and improve the microclimate, comparing it with conventional agriculture. However, companies capture the benefits through ecological accounting.

  8. The text tries to explain the importance of agroforestry systems, taking into account the activities developed in these systems such as the conservation of the environment and the activities that sustain it, such as: livestock, agriculture, cleaning the forest to prevent forest fires, observation and protection of birds hunting,...
    In my opinion, an agroforestry system is an ideal system for the conservation of nature where a great variety of activities can be developed, taking advantage of it, maintaining the conservation of it for future generations.
    The problem is that companies do not see beyond the economic income that can generate an agroforestry system, not thinking about future generations and possible extinctions of natural resources

  9. José Miguel Expósito

    In the text we can see that forest systems have a main objective that is the maintenance of a
    landscape of high cultural value and potential for tourism.
    Hunting and bird watching are two of the most profitable activities currently in the dehesa.
    Agroforestry helps us improve systems: reduce the risk of fires, increase carbon storage, moderate the microclimate and improve the quality of groundwater.
    In my personal conclusion of the text is that we must care for and maintain agroforestry systems and exploit them in a sustainable manner

  10. According to the document, the document talks about agroforestry systems and the possible conflicts and benefits they have. One of these benefits is tourism; This tourism may be attracted to the birds of these landscapes. Another benefit is the reduction of fires. These benefits can cause conflicts, for example, with agricultural companies, since they would not receive an economic benefit.
    In my opinion we must find a balance between agriculture, livestock, forest systems, economy and culture, this balance can be found if we carry out an adequate environmental education to all sectors and that the negatively affected sectors can receive state aid in the actions that harm them

  11. Like it is said in this article fragment, the high nature and cultural value (HNCV) agroforestry systems are not appreciated for their high economic performances that they can give to the population.

    However, they offer a ecological system or a "green accounting" unique that the our population can not allow that it disappear.

    For this reason, I am totally agree that the future of the high nature and cultural value (HNCV) agroforestry systems lies in the demonstration of analysis like this, which can help guide policy-makers and wider society to identify where public interventions such as subsidies, the tax system, and regulation can help ensure the high nature and cultural value of these agroforestry systems.


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