However, in spite of, despite, although, even though
Because, because of, due to, owing to
Therefore, so, as a consequence, as a result, that’s why, consequently
Also, as well as, in addition, besides, moreover, furthermore

1. REASON: because/because of/due to owing to
1. Oxford Street is popular with shoppers, because it has excellent public transport.
Oxford Street is popular with shoppers, because of its excellent public transport.
Oxford Street is popular with shoppers, owing to/due to its excellent public transport.
2. CONTRAST: however, in spite of, despite, although, even though
Most tourists go to Beijing, when they go to China on holiday.
However, it is one of the most polluted cities in the country.
Most tourists go to Beijing, when they go to China on holiday,
Although/ Even though  it is one of the most polluted cities in the country.
Most tourists go to Beijing, when they go to China on holiday, despite/in spite of it being one of the most polluted cities in the country.
3. ADDITION: Also, as well as, in addition, besides, moreover, furthermore
He’s going to do a course in German next year.
In addition, he’s going to improve his Arabic next year.
In addition to/as well as doing a course in German next year, he’s going to improve his Arabic too.
He’s going to do a course in German next year.
Moreover/Furthermore, he’s also going to improve his Arabic.
Besides doing a course in German next year,
he’s also going to improve his Arabic.
He’s going to do a course in German next year.
He’s also going to improve his Arabic next year.
4. and 5. RESULT: So, as a result, consequently, that’s why
I'm not very good at languages, so I'm going to do a course in Italian next year.
I'm not very good at languages. That’s why I'm going to do a course in Italian next year.
5. I'm quite good at languages. Consequently, I'm going to take courses in Chinese, Japanese and French next year.
6. CONTRAST: However, in spite of, despite, although, even though
The traffic was terrible this morning. However, I managed to get to work on time.
Despite/ in spite of  the terrible traffic this morning. I managed to get to work on time.
Although /Even though the traffic was terrible this morning. I managed to get to work on time.
7. RESULT: So, as a result, consequently, that’s why
The traffic was terrible this morning, so I was about 25 minutes late for work.
The traffic was terrible this morning. That’s why I was about 25 minutes late for work.
8. Smoking is bad for your health. In addition/Moreover,/ Furthermore, it is anti-social because many people find it unpleasant.
Besides, it is a waste of money.
9. I don't think Simon Green would be a good candidate for this job. Even though/ Although he is hard working and reliable,

he has no experience in this area. Moreover, he has never shown the slightest interest in this kind of work.


Choose 2 correct linkers in each sentence:  

1.-Although / Because / Though  I felt tired, I decided to go to the party.
2.-She didn't go to the party because           / since / so she felt tired.
3.-Due to / In spite of / Despite  the bad weather, the picnic was cancelled.
4.-Despite / Due to / In spite of  feeling tired, I went to the party.
5.-She felt tired after her long journey. Consequently, /Therefore, / However, she decided not to go to the party.
6.-I felt tired after a long day at work. However, / Therefore, / But I went to the party because I wanted to see Janine.
7.-Parties can be fun when you're in the right mood. On the other hand, / As a result, However, when you're tired they can be a strain.
8.-We stopped playing tennis because / because of / due to the rain.
9.-We had to hurry indoors as / since / because of  it was raining.
10.-It was raining hard. Nevertheless, / Therefore, / However,  we went ahead with the garden party.

Rewrite the following sentences in two possible ways using the linking words in brackets:

The Trocadero Plaza is popular with shoppers. The Trocadero Plaza has good public transport. (since, so)

Most tourists go to Golden Sands Beach. Golden Sands Beach is one of the most polluted in the country. (however, although)

I'm going to do a course in Italian next year. I'm going to improve my Mandarin next year. (also, besides)

I'm not very good at languages. I'm going to do a course in Mandarin next year. (For this reason, because)

I'm quite good at languages. I'm going to take courses in Korean, Japanese and French next year. (therefore, as)

The traffic was terrible this morning. I managed to get to work on time. (Nevertheless, although)

The traffic was terrible this morning. I was about 25 minutes late for work. (As a result, due to)

Smoking is bad for your health. Smoking is a waste of money. (not only… but also; apart from)

I don't think Charlie Wong would be a good candidate for this job. He is hard working and reliable. (However; although)

Some possible answers (There are many others)

The Trocadero Plaza is popular with shoppers because it has good public transport.

Most tourists go to Golden Sands Beach.
However, it is one of the most polluted in the country.

I'm going to do a course in Italian next year.
I'm also going to improve my Mandarin.

I'm not very good at languages so
I'm going to do a course in Mandarin next year.

OR (depending on how you look at it)

Although I'm not very good at languages,
I'm going to do a course in Mandarin next year.

I'm going to take courses in Korean, Japanese and French next year.
OR (depending on how you look at it)

Even though I'm quite good at languages,
I'm going to take courses in Korean, Japanese and French next year.

Although the traffic was terrible this morning,
I managed to get to work on time.

The traffic was terrible this morning.
Therefore, I was about 25 minutes late for work.

Smoking is bad for your health and it is antisocial because many people find it unpleasant. Besides, it is a waste of money.

Although he is hard working and reliable, I don't think Charlie Wong would be a good candidate for this job.


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